The Dutch online series ‘Pointer Checkt (KRO-NCRV)’ seeks to counter disinformation by searching for the facts […]
27-03-2024: Els van de ZandeFoto’s door Bregje Wertheim Om de groeiende wereldbevolking te kunnen voeden, zijn […]
On Monday 26 February (19:00-22:00) the symposium “Insecten in de voedselproductie van de toekomst” is organised […]
Article on the Dutch website Biotechnologie with Leo Beukeboom.
Article in Journal of Insects as Food and Feed by Anna Dörper, Gerrit Gort, Teun Veldkamp […]
Recently the book ‘Our Future Proteins’ was published, in which a chapter was included written by […]
Article in NJAS: Impact in Agricultural and Life Sciences by Anna Voulgari-Kokota, Martijn van Loon and […]
Article on the Dutch website pluimveeweb with Leo Beukeboom.